The Surprising Benefits of Gossip
Social scientists are uncovering the intricate group dynamics of gossip
The Surprising Benefits of Gossip
Social scientists are uncovering the intricate group dynamics of gossip
Different, Together
One person’s reality is purely theirs and often unique
Read all the stories you want.
Buy Experiences instead of Possessions to Build Social Connection
Shared experiences, more than material things, bring people together
Science Improves When People Realize They Were Wrong
Science means being able to change your mind in light of new evidence
Trump’s ‘Gish Gallop’ Debate Tactic Comes from Creationists
A dishonest creationist debating tactic shouldn’t go unchallenged in American life. Or in national politics
The ‘Confetti Illusion’ Makes Fruit Appear Riper Than It Really Is
Fruit seems riper when it is wrapped in a net that matches its optimal color, such as a really orangey orange
Why People Procrastinate, and How to Overcome It
To stop putting off tasks, think about the positive
Eating Disorders Can Strike Anyone
Misconceptions that eating disorders mostly afflict white, affluent, young females have led to disparities in the treatment of these deadly diseases
The U.K.’s Cass Review Badly Fails Trans Children
A politicized review into transgender medicine in the National Health Service has upended lives in the U.K.—and threatens to spread harm across the globe
The Trump Assassination Attempt Caused Psychological Distress and Fueled Polarization
Political violence has a different effect on people today than it did in the past because of social media and extreme partisanship
How Role-Playing a Sorceress Released My Inner Badass
Thousands of people around the world do live-action role-playing to learn and change themselves. I am one of them
Young Adulthood Is No Longer One of Life’s Happiest Times
The U-shaped curve that pegged youth and old age as the happiest times of life has changed