Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment
Kamala Harris has plans to improve health, boost the economy and mitigate climate change. Donald Trump has threats and a dangerous record
Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment
Kamala Harris has plans to improve health, boost the economy and mitigate climate change. Donald Trump has threats and a dangerous record
Kamala Harris’s Ascent Shows How Political Hardball—And Smart Polling—Pays Off
So far, enthusiasm for the Harris campaign has vindicated Democratic Party elites’ decision to push Joe Biden out of the race. Was this just a lucky guess based on political vibes? Or were there actual data supporting the decision?
Read all the stories you want.
The Olympics Breaking Fiasco Undermined Serious Hip-Hop Artists and Scholars
The “Raygun” Olympics fiasco points to how hip-hop scholarship is at risk of being colonized and undermined in academia
Massive Megalith That Predates Stonehenge Shows Science Savvy of Neolithic Humans
A survey of the Dolmen of Menga suggests that the stone tomb’s Neolithic builders had an understanding of science
What a Linguist Hears when Kamala Harris Speaks
A sociophonetician explains presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s intonational patterns and the way that the properties of candidates’ speech influences how they are perceived.
In Early Science Journalism, These Women Were Writing for Their Lives
Starting in the 1920s female writers pioneered the field of science writing for the mass market, making it their mission to help ordinary people understand everything from astronomy to venereal disease
Wealthier Members of Congress Have Family Links to Slavery
U.S. Senators and Representatives whose family had a history of enslaving others have greater present-day wealth
Review: The Science of Listening Goes Far Beyond the Ears
A new book about the art and science of listening explores our sonic universe
Contributors to Scientific American’s September 2024 Issue
Writers, artists, photographers and researchers share the stories behind the stories
Voting Is Just the Beginning
Your vote matters. But so does your involvement in civic actions
Review: How a Group of Women Launched Modern Cosmology
A new biography of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt celebrates meaning making in science
September 2024: Science History from 50, 100 and 150 Years Ago
Mysterious Mercury; spiders predict the weather