Solving Inflammatory Bowel Disease’s Mysteries May Lead to New Therapies
Understanding genetics, immunology and the microbiomes of people with inflammatory bowel disease could aid in finding the right treatments for the condition
Solving Inflammatory Bowel Disease’s Mysteries May Lead to New Therapies
Understanding genetics, immunology and the microbiomes of people with inflammatory bowel disease could aid in finding the right treatments for the condition
A Freeze-Dried Woolly Mammoth Has Yielded the First Ever Fossilized Chromosomes
For the first time, researchers have reconstructed the 3D structure of ancient genetic material, in this case from a 52,000-year-old mammoth
Read all the stories you want.
Out of Sight, ‘Dark Fungi’ Run the World from the Shadows
The land, water and air around us are chock-full of DNA from fungi that scientists can’t identify
Tiny Fern Has World’s Largest Genome
A small South Pacific fern boasts more than 50 times as many base pairs as the human genome
Stolen Bacterial Genes Helped Whiteflies to Become the Ultimate Pests
Rather than relying on bacteria, whiteflies cut out the middleman and acquired their own genes to process nitrogen
Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome
Scientists have recently discovered thousands of active RNA molecules that can control the human body
How Sugar Gliders Got Their Wings
Several marsupial species, including sugar gliders, independently evolved a way to make membranes that allow them to glide through the air
Unraveling the Secrets of This Weird Beetle’s 48-Hour Clock
New research examines the molecular machinery behind a beetle’s strange biological cycle
Forensic Genealogy Offers Families the Gift of Closure
The forensic scientist’s toolbox is growing thanks to creative methods that generate reliable leads, analyze evidence, identify suspects and solve cold cases
Ancient Malaria Genome from Roman Skeleton Hints at Disease’s History
Genetic information from ancient Roman remains is helping to reveal how malaria has moved and evolved alongside people
Rare Brown Panda Mystery Solved after 40 Years
Chinese researchers have found the gene responsible for the brown-and-white fur of a handful of giant pandas
What Do You Mean, Bisexual People Are ‘Risk-Taking’? Why Genetic Studies about Sexuality Can Be Fraught
A recent study on risk-taking and bisexuality made assumptions that some experts don’t agree with.