Solving Inflammatory Bowel Disease’s Mysteries May Lead to New Therapies
Understanding genetics, immunology and the microbiomes of people with inflammatory bowel disease could aid in finding the right treatments for the condition
Solving Inflammatory Bowel Disease’s Mysteries May Lead to New Therapies
Understanding genetics, immunology and the microbiomes of people with inflammatory bowel disease could aid in finding the right treatments for the condition
This Start-Up Wants You to Put Custom Bacteria on Your Teeth
Lumina Probiotic has said a genetically modified microbe could prevent cavities. Experts, though, have safety concerns
Read all the stories you want.
Semen Has Its Own Microbiome—And It Might Influence Fertility
Recent research found a species of bacteria living in semen that’s associated with infertility and has links to the vaginal microbiome
Your Body Has Its Own Built-In Ozempic
Popular weight-loss and diabetes drugs, such as Ozempic and Wegovy, target metabolic pathways that gut microbes and food molecules already play a key role in regulating
The Vaginal Microbiome May Affect Health More than We Thought
A recent study finds varying combinations of microbes in the vaginal microbiome may influence health outcomes such as risk of sexually transmitted disease and preterm birth
Modern Hunter-Gatherers Have Thriving Gut Microbiome, Compared with Californians
A Western lifestyle seems to diminish the diversity of gut microbes
Gut Bacteria Change as You Get Older—and May Accelerate Aging
Microbe types in older people’s intestines are different and are linked to disease
The Atmospheric Microbiome
For single-celled organisms, Earth’s atmosphere represents transport, refuge and possibly a habitat
A Radical Approach against Superbugs: Learn to Live with Them
One physiologist wants us to stop worrying so much about fighting infections and instead help the body tolerate them
Your Poop Knows Best--New Study Shows Microbiome Can Help Predict Health Responses to Certain Foods
A new study published in the journal Cell found that blood glucose responses between individuals to even the same foods can vary widely.
Antibiotics and Obesity--an Unexpected Casualty in the War on Microbes
There's mounting evidence that antibiotic use early in life may contribute to obesity. As if we needed it—here's, one more reason why we need to care about antibiotic stewardship
What about Earth’s Microbiome?
The latest temperature readings from Antarctica are giving the world pause, along with the finding that 70 percent of the western Antarctic ice shelf has melted.