Discrimination Has Trapped People of Color in Unhealthy Urban ‘Heat Islands’
People of color, more than other groups, live in neighborhoods prone to excess heat and the illnesses that go with it
Melba Newsome is a 2023 Alicia Patterson fellow, reporting on climate displacement and people of color.
Discrimination Has Trapped People of Color in Unhealthy Urban ‘Heat Islands’
People of color, more than other groups, live in neighborhoods prone to excess heat and the illnesses that go with it
The Opioid Epidemic Is Surging among Black People because of Unequal Access to Treatment
Clinics and the most effective types of therapy are harder to find in communities where people of color live
We Must Improve Equity in Cancer Screening
Eliminating disparities in routine examinations will require outreach, availability and cultural consideration
New Long-Haul COVID Clinics Treat Mysterious and Ongoing Symptoms
Coordinating care among different specialties could help patients with many problems and no proved therapies
News about Racial Violence Harms Black People’s Mental Health
Awaiting the Derek Chauvin verdict, a singer and actor felt intense anxiety
‘Cave Syndrome’ Keeps the Vaccinated in Social Isolation
After a year away from friends and co-workers, people sometimes struggle to resume their public routines
We Learned the Wrong Lessons from the Tuskegee ‘Experiment’
It’s understandable that Black Americans are wary of vaccines, but that despicable episode involved the withholding of treatment, whereas vaccines actively prevent disease
Scarcity of COVID Shots Might Boost Demand among the Vaccine-Hesitant
Willingness is rising, even among skeptical groups, at a time when there are still not enough doses to go around