The Brain Really Does Choke Under Pressure
Study links choking under pressure to the brain region that controls movement
The Brain Really Does Choke Under Pressure
Study links choking under pressure to the brain region that controls movement
The Surprising Benefits of Gossip
Social scientists are uncovering the intricate group dynamics of gossip
Read all the stories you want.
Kids Should Be Taught to Think Logically
Training in symbolic logic is critical in many careers, for responsible citizenship and better lives. It is also an underexploited antidote to today’s bizarre conspiracy thinking
Different, Together
One person’s reality is purely theirs and often unique
Buy Experiences instead of Possessions to Build Social Connection
Shared experiences, more than material things, bring people together
Brain Scientists Finally Discover the Glue that Makes Memories Stick for a Lifetime
A long-running research endeavor reveals key chemical players that cement memories in place—and still more have yet to be discovered
Ultrasound Brain Stimulation Boosts Mindfulness
Study participants felt time distortion, fewer negative thoughts and greater detachment from feelings with a noninvasive ultrasound intervention
Brains Age in Five Different Ways
Brain scan study hints that methods could be developed to detect the earliest stages of neurodegenerative disease
The ‘Confetti Illusion’ Makes Fruit Appear Riper Than It Really Is
Fruit seems riper when it is wrapped in a net that matches its optimal color, such as a really orangey orange
1 in 4 Unresponsive People with Brain Injuries May Be Conscious
More people than we thought who are in comas or similar states can hear what is happening around them, a study shows
Why People Procrastinate, and How to Overcome It
To stop putting off tasks, think about the positive
Brain-to-Speech Tech Good Enough for Everyday Use Debuts in a Man with ALS
A highly robust brain-computer interface boasts low error rates and a durability that allows a user to talk all day long