When Dogs Smell Your Stress, They Act Sad
Dogs can smell when people are stressed, and it seems to make them feel downhearted
When Dogs Smell Your Stress, They Act Sad
Dogs can smell when people are stressed, and it seems to make them feel downhearted
Sharks in Brazil Test Positive for a Surprising Contaminant: Cocaine
Cocaine has been detected in sharks for the first time, but scientists aren’t sure of the impact
Read all the stories you want.
500-Million-Year-Old ‘Alien Fish Taco’ Was among First Creatures with Jaws
A bizarre fossil of a Cambrian creature that looked like an “alien fish taco” reveals how a single group with jaws came to account for around 90 percent of all animal species on Earth
Domestication Squished Dogs’ Heads and Obscured Their Emotions
Pugs, Boston terriers, bulldogs and boxers—dogs with less wolflike facial features are worse at conveying their feelings
These Animals are Physics Whizzes
How falling cats, slithering snakes, burrowing prairie dogs and more exploit the laws of physics
Why Animals Living on Islands Are at Greater Risk of Extinction
Warm-blooded island species tend to evolve a slower metabolic rate compared with their mainland counterparts, making it harder for them to bounce back when under stress
The Conservation Efforts That Brought Back the Last Truly Wild Horse
Claims that Przewalski’s horses were discovered in the U.S. are unverified. But the conservation story behind the last truly wild horse is worth your time.
‘Frog Saunas’ Could Protect Species from Devastating Fungal Disease
A low-tech immune boost may help some species of frogs survive a brutal fungal disease that’s already ended 90 amphibian species
These Hormones Drive Bloodlust in Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes carry a pair of hormones, one of which drives bloodlust while the other signals satiation, scientists say
The Last Wild Horses Are Finally Returning to Their Natural Habitat
Przewalski’s horses, once extinct in the wild, are revitalizing Kazakhstan’s “Golden Steppe”
Are Pets Good for Health? The Evidence Is Pretty Fuzzy
It turns out there’s little good evidence that pets benefit our physical or mental health
How Delicate Comb Jellies Withstand Crushing Depths—But Melt Away on Land
Scientists finally know how a gelatinous deep-sea creature keeps its cells from paralysis under pressure