Why Do Cats Knead like They’re Making Biscuits?
Often nicknamed “making biscuits,” kneading is a good sign that your cat is happy, experts say
Why Do Cats Knead like They’re Making Biscuits?
Often nicknamed “making biscuits,” kneading is a good sign that your cat is happy, experts say
Why Do Cats Land on Their Feet? Physics Explains
As it turns out, felines can survive a fall from any height—at least in theory
Read all the stories you want.
Cat Noses Contain Twisted Labyrinths That Help Them Separate Smells
Scientists hypothesize that coiled channels inside a cat’s nose may function like a gas chromatograph
Allergic to Your Pet? This Immunotherapy May Help
Developing an allergy to your dog or cat can be a nightmare, but hyposensitization could offer permanent relief
Sequencing Cat Genomes Could Help Breed Healthier Kitties
A study of more than 11,000 felines reveals the benefits of genetic testing before breeding
Some of The Things I Have Gotten Wrong
As a regular reader, you might know that Tet Zoo has been going for over nine years now. I've written about a lot of stuff, I’ve been intrigued and enthused by a substantial number of animals and animal-themed topics, and I’ve been attracted to a variety of controversial ideas and claimed discoveries.
Dog Physics: How Your Pet Solves Its Drinking Problem [VIDEO]
Dogs are sloppy drinkers for a good reason: They splash water up because they cannot suck like people.
Saving Tasmanian Devils Could Help Control Killer Cats
Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) disappeared from mainland Australia centuries ago, probably not long after humans first brought dingoes to the continent.
Mystery big cat skulls from the Peruvian Amazon not so mysterious anymore
Scientific projects are very often years in the making. Within the past few days, I've had a new paper appear in the open-access journal PeerJ.
Sunday Species Snapshot: Gulf Coast Jaguarundi
These endangered wild cats, with their distinctively short ears and long tails, aren’t much bigger than your average housecat. Although they have been protected under the U.S.
Cats, Children, and the Box of the Future
Children are quite a bit like cats. No matter how much you spend on gifts for them, inevitably it is the box – which had contained the gift – that seems to provide the most raucous and satisfying entertainment for them.
How China’s Pet Dogs Might Save Wild Tigers
On the streets of Beijing, little old ladies coax even littler dogs to do their business. Some even bear the little plastic bags carried by civically conscious urbanite pet-lovers everywhere.