The Oldest Fossilized Reptile Skin Ever Found Predates the Dinosaurs
Permian period petroleum helped to preserve minute scraps of pebbly hide that probably belonged to a lizardlike creature
The Oldest Fossilized Reptile Skin Ever Found Predates the Dinosaurs
Permian period petroleum helped to preserve minute scraps of pebbly hide that probably belonged to a lizardlike creature
Enigmatic Dinosaur Skull Sparks Debate over Tyrannosaur Evolution
A dinosaur skull first discovered in the 1980s was originally catalogued as a T. rex. Now some scientists argue it represents a new species of tyrannosaur and could shed light on where the massive animals originated
Read all the stories you want.
What Killed the Largest Known Ape Species Ever?
The massive ancient ape Gigantopithecus blacki disappeared in a mystery that scientists are eager to crack
Adventures of a Bone Hunter
Annie Montague Alexander went on paleontology expeditions most women could only dream of in the early 1900s
Fossils Finally Reveal Fiery Colors of Prehistoric Animals
An ancient frog, bird and dinosaur wore elusive yellow and orange shades, a new lab technique reveals
5 of the Greatest Natural History Hoaxes of All Time
These historical forgeries show what makes misinformation so successful
Robotics ‘Revives’ a Long-Extinct Starfish Ancestor
Engineers and paleontologists teamed up to reconstruct an ancestor of starfish from the Paleozoic era and figure out how it moved
The Tale of the Rotifer That Came Back to Life after 25,000 Years in an Icy Tomb
Can something spring back to life if it last moved around when woolly mammoths roamed the earth? The answer appears to be yes.
Last Meal of 465-Million-Year-Old Trilobite Discovered
Scientists have uncovered an ancient trilobite’s last meal preserved inside a nearly intact fossil
‘Weird’ Dinosaur Prompts Rethink of Bird Evolution
A newly described fossil is as old as the “first bird,” Archaeopteryx, and represents a birdlike dinosaur that might have specialized in running or wading instead of flying
How Sauropod Dinosaurs Became the Biggest Land Animals Again and Again
New research hints at how sauropod dinosaurs got to be so gargantuan
Fossils Buried in LA Tar Pit Show Why Saber-Toothed Cats Blinked Out of Existence
At Los Angeles’ La Brea Tar Pits, scientists found they could watch large mammals disappear from the fossil record—and could trace the ecosystem through the catastrophe