Do Cats Really Hate Water?
Not all cats are hydrophobic
Do Cats Really Hate Water?
Not all cats are hydrophobic
Are Pets Good for Health? The Evidence Is Pretty Fuzzy
It turns out there’s little good evidence that pets benefit our physical or mental health
Read all the stories you want.
Is CBD Safe for Cats and Dogs?
Although studies are still mixed and products are often inconsistent, many scientists have hope that cannabidiol can help furry patients with arthritis, allergies and anxiety
Kitten Season Is Out of Control. Are Warmer Winters to Blame?
The summer “kitten season” is starting earlier and lasting longer, which is bad news for both animal shelters and wildlife
What Do Dogs and Cats Dream About?
Pets can’t report their dreams, but scientists have some evidence about what is happening when Sparky and Mittens sleep
Do Cats Experience FOMO?
Feline experts weigh in on clingy cats’ supposed “fear of missing out”
The 6 Most Intriguing Things We Learned about Pet Cats and Dogs This Year
In 2023 we learned that cats really are choosing to ignore humans and that—despite dogs getting all the glory when it comes to retrieving prowess—cats want to play fetch, too
Cats Play Fetch, Too—But Only on Their Own Terms
Retrieving isn’t just for dogs, but the emerging science of cat play can’t fully explain the feline phenomenon
Cats Kill a Staggering Number of Species across the World
Domestic cats are cherished human companions, but a new study shows the enormous breadth of species the felines prey on when they are left to roam freely
AI Can Now Read Your Cat’s Pain
Thanks to researchers, new AI tech is delving into feline feelings to see when cats could need medical help.
Cats Can Hide Their Pain—But Not from AI
Machine-learning software gets behind the inscrutable feline face and may improve pet care
Cats Are Perfect. An Evolutionary Biologist Explains Why
Cats have attained evolutionary perfection